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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

A Trip To Soge Beach, Pacitan

Hello there! How's your weekend? Today I got a long weekend because there is a holiday this Friday. I hope I can have some interesting things to do during this long weekend or at least I can get enough rest because since the beginning of Ramadhan I feel like I don't get enough sleep because I must have Suhoor then still have internship activity in the morning. I hope I can adapt to this as soon as possible. During the last internship period, I really want to have a trip with my bike on the weekend to refresh my mind. It doesn't matter where I will go, I just want to have a trip. It's ok if I'm just riding around the city or going to another city. But since my friends have a lot of things to do, I can't ask them to join my trip on weekend. So I need to postpone my trip until me and my friends have some spare time to trip on the weekend. And talking about having a trip, I want to share my last trip experience before my internship begins. On January 16th, 2022, I h

My New Pet Miguel

Hello there! How is life treating you? Today is the second week of Ramadhan month. It's a month when every Muslim people around the world fasting for a month. There is not much trouble for me to do fasting and I hope I can continue my fasting smoothly until the end of this month. And I hope you all can continue your fasting smoothly too. Two weeks before, before the Ramadhan month begin I bought a new pet. I bought a Betta fish or popularly known as Cupang in Indonesia. I bought it in Depok market, Manahan with my mom because she also looking for a fish supplement for her fish too. My fish has a combination of white and red colors on his body and tail that made him look flashy inside the tank. I call my fish Miguel because back then I don't have any clue to give a name to my fish. Then I'm thinking to give some Spanish or Mexican names to my fish because I think it sounds so badass because I watch a lot of movies and TV series where the main character is fighting some Mexi

Building My First Mini 4WD Experience

Hello there! How is life? Today I'm already in the sixth week of my internship. Can't believe this will goes so fast because after the internship has finished I must work on my final project. But to be honest I still don't have any idea about what should I write on my final project. I hope I can get any inspiration as soon as possible so I can begin my final project. So last week I did another interesting to spend my weekends. For the first time, I bought a Mini 4WD or popularly known as Tamiya in Indonesia. In this post, I want to share my experience in building my first Mini 4WD kit. Before we go to the main topic, here are some photos of my finished Mini 4WD. You may ask why I decided to build a Mini 4WD? It's because I want to try to build another kit besides Gundam and I want to know what's the difference between those kits. But the other reason is also that my high school friend. So back then, I'm hanging out with my friends and we talk about some hobbies

My New Virtual Gunpla Gallery

Hello there! How is life? It's been a while since I made my last post on my blog. I've been busy with my internship activity since I'm already a sixth-semester student now. There are a lot of things that I need to do for my college activity. But luckily I still have some spare time to do my activity or try new things. I will not write long writing in this post, I think this post will be just a reminder that my blog is still active hehe . In this post, I will announce something to you. To be honest it was supposed to be announced a long time ago. But due to my busy schedule, I'm unable to announce this on my blog. But don't worry, I already announced this on my social media where I can check it every day so let's just say this is some kind of late announcement. So what's is the announcement I want to make? So a while ago I made a new Virtual Gunpla gallery. That will be the place that I will use to upload my Gundam collection. If you remember I usually upload