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A Trip To Soge Beach, Pacitan

Hello there! How's your weekend? Today I got a long weekend because there is a holiday this Friday. I hope I can have some interesting things to do during this long weekend or at least I can get enough rest because since the beginning of Ramadhan I feel like I don't get enough sleep because I must have Suhoor then still have internship activity in the morning. I hope I can adapt to this as soon as possible.

During the last internship period, I really want to have a trip with my bike on the weekend to refresh my mind. It doesn't matter where I will go, I just want to have a trip. It's ok if I'm just riding around the city or going to another city. But since my friends have a lot of things to do, I can't ask them to join my trip on weekend. So I need to postpone my trip until me and my friends have some spare time to trip on the weekend. And talking about having a trip, I want to share my last trip experience before my internship begins.

On January 16th, 2022, I have a long trip with my two seniors in English Diploma Program. We have a trip to Soge Beach, Pacitan and this will be my second trip to Pacitan. Here's one photo that I take in the location.

Honestly, we already planned this trip a long time ago. If I'm not mistaken, we already planned this trip a year before. But due to the busy schedule of me, my friends, and my seniors, we postponed this plan for too long and then some of us already forgot that we have this plan. Then at the end of the year, one of my seniors remind me about the plan we made. Since it's already the last month of the year and some of us already have spare time because our college activity is done, we finally decide that we will begin our trip to Pacitan in January 2022. I also made an event poster this trip may look a little bit official. Here's the poster I made.

The day of the trip almost come. Some of us already prepared everything we need for that trip. I have also already brought my motorcycle to the service center to check is there any problem with my motorcycle. I want my motorcycle to have the best performance during the trip that's why I don't want there's something wrong to happen to my motorcycle in the middle of the trip. We also already listed who will bring their own motorcycle and who will join other motorcycles. Unfortunately, one of my friends canceled his plan to join this trip because of some reason. He is the one who will bring his own motorcycle and take one of my other friends with him. Because he canceled his plan, our plan was ruined. One by one my friends start canceling their plan to join this trip because they are not allowed to bring a motorcycle too far. It's only remaining me and my two seniors who are still optimistic to begin the trip.

The day we waited finally came. I woke up in the morning to have breakfast and then checked all my stuff. After all the preparation finished, I started my motorcycle engine and then go to the meeting point at 8 A.M. Due to the participant being drastically reduced, we change the meeting point from Sekolah Vokasi UNS to McDonald's Slamet Riyadi. I arrived first at the meeting point. A few minutes later my seniors came. And then we begin our trip.

The distance from Solo to Soge Beach, Pacitan is about 139 KM and it will take about a 3-hour trip. I could say the trip from Solo to Wonogiri is still enjoyable but after that, I start feeling tired and also the area of Wonogiri is really wide so we almost spend a long time only in there. After some hours we finally take a short rest in one of the gas stations in Wonogiri. Besides having a rest, my senior also want to refill his motorcycle fuel there. Then after all finished, we continue our long trip again.

We passed different vibes on our trip. Sometimes we pass through a city street with a lot of traffic jams, but we also pass through a place where there are still a lot of trees and not many transportations are passing. The road condition is also very different. Sometimes it's very smooth so we can run our motorcycle fastly. But sometimes the road condition is very bad so we must reduce our speed and be careful there.

We finally arrived on Pacitan. But it still needs a few kilometers more to reach the destination. We take a short rest again near Pacitan square before we continue our trip. Because it's almost afternoon so we must continue our trip again and then we will have a rest again at the final destination.

And finally, after a few hours of riding on our motorcycle, we arrived at Soge Beach. One of the iconic beaches in Pacitan because it's located beside roadway. Then we enter the location and paid Rp.10.000 for the entrance fee. After that, we take some photos there, walk around, rest, and then have lunch. I take another photo there. It's the main sign of Soge Beach and my motorcycle before we entered Soge beach.

Finally, the clock is showing that the time is 3 P.M. We are preparing for a long trip again to return back to our home. One of my seniors didn't join us on our trip back to Solo because he lives in Pacitan so there are only two of us left. We didn't face much trouble on our trip back to Solo except when the Google Maps directed us into a mysterious route. We go down a road where there is nobody passing there except two of us. The road condition is also really really bad. It's like an off-road track but it's worse. The road also didn't have any lighting and it's like located in the middle of a forest. But luckily we are able to escape from there and return to the main street. And when arrived at Wonogiri, it was starting to rain so we stop for a while to use our raincoats. Then we go to Solo using a raincoat. After arriving at my house, I take a bath immediately and then go to sleep. 

I think this trip is still enjoyable even if it's very tiring and take a long time. But it's very disappointing because there are a lot of my friends who canceled their plans to join this trip. I think this trip will be more interesting if there are a lot of people who participating in it. I hope someday I could have another trip with a lot of people joining this trip because "The road is not long if you have the right company". That's written on the poster.

Look like that's all I can share in this post. I really didn't expect this post will be this long but here it is. Maybe I write about so many experiences here even I missed some details because I also little bit forget what happened. As always, thank you for reading! 


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